If you mix some essential herbs and a little bit of know how you can create many medicinal remedies and beauty treatments. These remedies are very inexpensive and very effective when used properly. They work for a wide variety of symptoms and ailments. The side effects are far fewer than over the counter drugs and they also strengthen your immune system as they heal without using chemicals.
Many of the ingredients that can found in your kitchen can alleviate health issues, ease indigestion, period pains, treat a cold or cure a case of jet lag. The only items needed to get started are a pestle and mortar, a tea cup and some natural ingredients.
Storage of Herbs
If you store your natural ingredients correctly they will last up to several months. Dried herbs can be purchased but if they are not stored properly the shelf life will be limited. All of your herbs should be stored in a cool, dry, dark place. The containers should be sterilized before using to ensure that there is no contamination. Use an airtight dark glass or ceramic container to store your herbs and parts of plants.
Guide to Herbal Remedies
Techniques of Herbal Remedies
There are many different ways to create herbal healing remedies as well as different ways to apply them. These are the techniques that are commonly used:
a cloth soaked in an herbal infusion and pressed over a wound.
A hot or cold liquid made by boiling twigs and roots.
A hot or cold drink made from leaves and flowers of herbs.
A cream infused with the juice or essential oil of herbs.
A bag of healing herbs that is pressed over the affected area.
A decoction or infusion sweetened with honey or sugar.
A medicine of soaked herbs in alcohol. This should be avoided during pregnancy.
A drink that stimulates the lymphatic system and blood circulation.
Many of the terms that are used in alternative healing types are the same as in traditional medicine. It is important to understand the meanings of the medical actions that you will be using when making and applying your herbal remedies.
Analgesic – Relieves Pain
Antispasmodic – Eases muscle cramps and spasms.
Laxative – Increases bowel movements.
Antibiotic – Inhibits the growth of or destroys bacteria and viruses affecting the body.
Astringent – Causes tissue contraction to dry up discharges.
Sedative – Lessens anxiety and promotes sleep.
Anti-Inflammatory – Reduces swelling and redness.
Diuretic – A substance that causes increased urination.
Vulnary – Promotes cell growth and repair.
Antioxidant – Protects the body against aging.
Emollient – Softens and smoothes the skin.
Antiseptic – Inhibits bacteria growth.
Expectorant – Expels mucus from the sinuses, lungs, and stomach.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_J_Robinson
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